Haarp makes me feel aMUSEd

During the intro I faced my inner knights of Cydonia. The feeling of hysteria inside of me seemed like a supermassive black hole. To solve this, all I needed was a map of the problematique. All I could see, however, were butterflies and hurricanes.

It felt like being under some kind of hoodoo spell. I heard myself asking everyone for “Apocalypse, please”, but could not recognize my own voice or remember feeling good. I did, however, begin feeling good whenever surrounded by starlight. Then I could also convince my brain to entertain itself through some improvisation and thereby suppress the sense that time is running out. The new born poet in me, however, protested by writing some soldier’s poem. It was nothing but unintended, and suddenly I suffered a complete blackout.

The next thing I knew, some distant voice said: “Plug in, baby.” I came to myself, realizing I suffered from the Stockholm Syndrome – and went outside to face the world and take a bow.